Remote Learning MB

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning is committed to providing high-quality remote learning options to meet the different needs of students, schools, and school divisions. This provides flexibility and access to a wide range of learning opportunities, no matter where a student lives.

Educator Resources
To support the implementation of remote learning, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning provides access to resources and a provincial Learning Management System that is available to all Manitoba K to 12 teachers.

Manitoba Remote Learning Framework
The Manitoba Remote Learning Framework outlines foundational beliefs and guiding practices to help build common understandings and support the implementation of evidence-based practices for teaching and learning whether online, in a face-to-face classroom of a blend of both.

High School Programming
Manitoba’s Remote Learning High School Programming focuses on connecting students across the province with flexible learning options. The programming provides opportunities that enable more Manitoba high school students to get the courses they need to accomplish their goals.
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning is committed to working with education stakeholders and partners on developing remote learning as a complementary service to the learning taking place in school across Manitoba. Remote learning for high school students has been in operations for over 25 years, and responds to the different needs of students in order to support flexibility and increased educational opportunities for learners in Manitoba, regardless of geographic location.
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning’s commitment to remote learning is evident through the development and implementation of the Manitoba Remote Learning Framework, the provision of resources for educators, including a K-8 repository of information, and the initial action to develop provincial remote learning high school programming. These initiatives work together to create and support robust and engaging remote learning environments, enabling Manitoba students to thrive and succeed in their educational journey. More information about these initiatives can be found by navigating to the buttons above.